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Points from Bench and Bar - Meeting held Wednesday May 15, 2024

23 May 2024 5:02 PM | Anonymous

The SCJ Bench and Bar meeting was held on Wednesday May 15, 2024.

Following our quarterly Bench and Bar meeting, there are a few reminders to members who have hearings at the Milton Court:

  • Login in at least 15 minutes before the start of your hearing. It takes some time for the Registrar to sign in all counsel and court days are being delayed as many counsel are not signing into Zoom early enough.
  • When signing in on Zoom, your screen name should be: First name, Last name, email address and whether you are counsel or agent. In SCJ pronouns are not mandatory but helpful.
  • Complete the "Participant Information Form" as per the Practice Direction (Click here to download) and upload to the Hearing Bundle in CaseLines. This can be submitted jointly.
  • Do not email Registrars after the end of the court day. The Registrar may not be working the next morning and will not see the email for many days. Instead, send documents via the portal to the filing office, unless the Judge specifically instructs that documents are to be sent to the judicial assistant or Registrar. Follow the filing protocol.
  • If you need access to Wi-Fi for CaseLines, ask to be added to Wi-Fi at the courthouse as early as possible before the hearing. You can use the Registrar's email to sign up for the day, however, the better option is to apply for a 6 month Wi-Fi account (Click here to view the Wi-Fi application). The law librarian will also have the forms for the 6 month Wi-Fi application.

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