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Self-service photocopies, printing and faxes are at $.50 per page (incl. HST)

Reference and Computer Assisted Research

The librarian is available to answer reference questions, advise on research strategy and provide assistance in locating and using library resources.

Document Delivery Services/Interlibrary Loans

As one of the 48 County and District Libraries in Ontario, the HCLA Library has access to all of the collections of these libraries. It is possible to borrow publications and/or obtain copies of these materials for HCLA members at no charge. Please contact your librarian to access this service.

Meeting Pods

There are two soundproof meeting pods located in the HCLA library that are designed to accommodate virtual court appearances, confidential meetings with opposing counsel or clients (Library Rules for Members of the Public), and to offer a more conducive environment for focused work tasks.

Reserve a Meeting Pod Online

The following guidelines apply:

  • Bookings for a meeting pod may also be scheduled by phone, email, or in person at the HCLA library.
  • There is no time limit. The 30-minute duration is only a suggestion and can be adjusted in the reservation pop-up window.
  • After-hour access is restricted to HCLA paid-up members on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • You may arrive up to 15 minutes before your scheduled meeting or virtual court appearance and are expected to leave within 15 minutes after it concludes.
  • Each pod seats a maximum of six people comfortably.
  • Each pod is equipped with a 27-inch monitor, outlet, ethernet port, USB and USB-C port, and is wheelchair accessible. Please note that an HDMI cable is available for use; however, if your laptop does not have an HDMI port, you are responsible for bringing your own adapter. 


The HCLA Library is primarily a Reference Library and has limited borrowing privileges. Borrowing privileges are restricted to HCLA members and all borrowed materials must be signed out in the binder located across from the librarian’s office.

Court Use Borrowing

All library materials are available for in-court use and any materials removed for in-court use must be signed out and returned the same day.

Wi-Fi Services

The HCLA provides free Wi-Fi services available within the HCLA Lounge & Library. See signage located within the HCLA facilities for the network name and password to connect to our Wi-Fi.

Our Wi-Fi is not available outside of the HCLA facilities. If you require Wi-Fi access within the other areas of the courthouse, please complete the Online Court House Wi-Fi application

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